is compatible with MediaPortal 1.6.x, 1.7.x and 1.8.x ( note. The Setup Wizard presets most options for you so you can be using your database in MediaPortal in no time.

You may use your existing catalog and use it with My Films at once - or decide to create a new one with the help of My Films updater/importer tool. It provides an ‘out of the box’ solution to allow you to begin using your movie catalog in MediaPortal without needing to rescan or re download your data and artwork. My Films is intended to support users who already have invested time and energy to develop extensive movie catalogs using movie catalog software. The My Films plugin allows you to combine the media center features of MediaPortal with the advantages of the movie catalog/database of your choice, like the popular freeware Ant Movie Catalog (AMC), EAX Movie Catalog, Personal Video Database, Ember Media Manager (EMM) or shareware catalogs like DVD Profiler, Extreme Movie Manager (XMM), My Movies, or Movie Collector ( Supported catalogs).