Therefore, our spirituality or lack thereof can have an impact on our relationships. It’s practicing peace and purpose, which might involve asking ourselves questions like, “How can I find fulfillment?” and, “How can I live the best life possible?” While some people connect to their spiritual selves by turning to their religion, and others find it in nature or art, our spirituality often has a heavy influence on every area of life. Remember, spirituality is connecting to something bigger than ourselves. What If a Relationship Lacks Spiritual Connection? That said, as Holland prefaced, when we take the time to connect to our spiritual selves -to meditate, spend time in nature, surrender to art, worship our religion, or tap into our spirituality in another way-the answers become clear. So, how can we determine a partner’s purpose? Sometimes, their purpose isn’t revealed until later in the relationship. “When one or the other partner has life lessons to work on that the soul needs to learn that involve healing childhood emotional issues such as abandonment, rejection, or personal power issues, then he or she attracts the perfect soulmate to help him or her grow spiritually.”

“For instance, individuals may come together to raise children or create something for humanity.”

Sometimes these spiritual loves are meant to last, and sometimes they’re meant to merely guide us in the right direction and then leave us to it.

That said, spiritual love can refer to a love that is rooted in or supported by a deep spiritual connection that helps us find meaning in life. What is a spiritual love? As with many questions about our spirituality, there isn’t one definition or example of a spiritual love. Spiritual Purposes in Relationships: Life Blessings and Life Lessons