Behold the Forbidden Books of the Endless Library & the mind-bending wonder of Chroma Incognito, in the realm of Apocrypha. Instead, you can simply choose High Isle as your starting location upon completion of the tutorial.Explore the Telvanni Peninusla, home to towering mushrooms, rocky spires, and Necrom city with its expansive catacombs.

Step 6: If you’re a brand-new player, ignore the above steps. Step 5: Once you’ve been teleported to the Wayshrine, run down the steps and talk with Jakarn to get started with the High Isle quest. Depending on when you last fast-traveled, however, it will cost a bit of cash. Don’t worry - since you’ve purchased the chapter, you’ll have immediate access to this location without the need to first discover it. Step 4: Select the Waypoint to fast-travel to the location. Step 3: Scroll to the far west and look for a small island. Step 2: Open your World map and make sure you’re on the Tamriel tab. Step 1: There are a few ways to get to High Isle, but the fastest is by using Wayshrines. Once you purchase the High Isle Chapter, you’re free to explore your new content – regardless of whether you’ve finished the Prologue. Step 5: This will send you on your way to Jakarn and kick off the Prologue.

Step 4: Select Ascending doubt, which is offered free to all adventurers. Starfield, The Elder Scrolls Online devs are voting to unionize The Elder Scrolls Online’s 2023 updates bring players back to Morrowind How to get the Eclipse 50-car garage in GTA Online Step 2: Open the Main menu and navigate to the Crown Store. Step 1: Launch ESO and select your character. Whether you purchased High Isle or not, you can dive into a Prologue quest that’ll get you ready for the upcoming adventure.